Well this week was basically an emotional rollercoaster every other day haha, but in the end, it always turns out great! So I'll start with the good news, Lorielyn got baptized!! It was a great baptismal service, and the best part was when she bore her testimony at the end. She's only 13, but she cried as she said that she knew the church was true, and her mom who has been inactive for a long time now was crying as well, it was so sweet. It's amazing the difference the gospel makes in people's lives, even when you just remind them of what they already knew to be true. There's an entirely different spirit when we go to their house to teach them now, and both Lorielyn and her mom are so happy to be going to church. Not to mention, that even her Mom takes notes in classes now too! Yeah I never thought that would happen, but like I said, the gospel changes people!
Well, time for the bad news. Things have gone way down hill with our other IBD Jean Jean. He's having a lot of problems right now, and doesn't have any money to support his family or even provide them with food. It's gotten to the point where he didn't really want to meet with us anymore because he thinks all of his problems started since he's been learning about the church. Not to mention, he lives with less actives who told him how much better their lives were after they stopped being members. So, it's a really tough situation, and I've spent many depressing nights racking my brain and praying about what we can do to help him. Right now, we're giving him some time to get things settled in his life, and we don't want for him to think that we're adding to his problems. It's the hardest thing to watch other people's families suffer and feel helpless about it. But what I can find solace in, is the fact that with faith all things are possible. He may not realize it now, but this church and gospel will give him the hope that he needs to make it through his trials. I know that the Lord will take care of him and his family. It's so peaceful to know that we are all children of the same Heavenly Father who knows and loves us more than anyone else can understand. If you can, please pray for brother Jean Jean and his family, they need all the prayers they can get at the moment.
But on a brighter note, despite the sadness I've felt over some investigators, the work continues to move on. I am learning so much and meeting some of the best people here, and I know that this is exactly where I'm supposed to be! I love you all so much, and hope you have a wonderful week! Shout out to Grandma for the letter, you should get one back from me in a bout 2 weeks!
Mahal Kita!
Sister Bangerter
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