Kumusta everyone!
Ok, I feel like a lot happened this week, so I'll just start with some random things that have been going on in my everyday life here in Agoo.
1. I'm pretty sure this was the hottest week of the summer yet! I feel like I say that every week, but this week got up into the 100's for a couple of days, and when you don't have A/C that's like insanely hot. So for all of you back home, just do me a favor and go hug your A/C unit, be grateful for that thing!
2. We got this really awesome investigator this past week, and she even came to church after only the second time we taught her! Usually getting people to church is like pulling teeth, so this was a big deal. When we taught her more this week, she said that normally she doesn't entertain any missionaries, and even the first time we just tried to talk to her, she didn't have any intentions of listening. But the more we saw her and just talked, she felt like she should listen to us. After that experience, I know that this is the work of the Lord, run by the spirit, nothing that I do on my own.\
3. We have this awesome recent convert family that are like the strongest people I've ever met. They have such strong testimonies, and they want everyone to be members! We're working with their son right now, but he has work on sundays, and his boss won't let him go to church (rude) so pray that he can find a way to work and still be baptized! We have a date for him at the end of June.
4. We had interviews with President Balledoes this week, and I've decided that I have the nicest and most inspirational mission president. I'm sure everyone feels that way, but really, he's the best man ever. He talked to me a lot about finding new investigators, and related it all to tennis :). So this next transfer, I'm going to try and do my best to find those people who the Lord is preparing for me, and hopefully, I can be a little bit more like President Balledos too, he really is the best.
5. Our branch got realigned, so that awesome investigator I was talking about, yeah she's not in our area anymore :( but it's ok, this change is a good thing, and hopefully the goal is to become wards by next year. We just need some strong Priesthood, that that's going to be our focus now, baptizing some worthy men with priesthood potential.
6. Just cause you need some randoms, it's mango season, and I'm pretty sure we have about 10 kilos of mango's at our apartment right now, everyone just keeps giving them away! And yesterday at church, this man came and interrrupted my conversation to tell me that my hair was beautiful. That happens a lot, but then he proceeded to tell me that I should cut it off and give it to him so that he can wash it.....yeah only in the Philippines!
Sorry for this extremely long email, but I just want you all to know too that I'm learning and growing so much each day. I'm so grateful for the wonderful people that I get to serve, I'm truly learning more from them than they are from me. I'm so grateful for the changes the gospel can make in people's lives, and I know that this is the Lord's true church. Sometimes, I feel like we can be a little like the children of Israel, and complain and murmer when any little thing goes wrong. But, always remember that there is so much more to be grateful for than we realize, and God really does bless us more than we sometimes deserve.
I love you all, and thanks for the letters Sara, Sister Behrmann, Lexie, and Penn-White!!
Mahal Kita,
Sister Bangerter
Me and Sister Hatch, she will probably be transferred this week |
The cutest baby ever! |