Oh my gulay, this has been the craziest week oh my mission! Well one of the craziest!
I'm start from the beginning, so last Monday, I was anxiously waiting for the transfer call. They called at about 3:30, and Elder Harris told me that I'd be transferring to La Trinidad Zone in Quezon Hill ward, and open area, and still an STL! My new comp is Sister Steedman, the trainee of Sister Tapusoa, and we are the first sisters in Quezon Hill since 2001. Not going to lie, I was really nervous after I got off the phone. I didn't want to go back to Baguio and I was scared to death to open an area, but like my good friend Sister Sawada told me, President must trust me a lot to put me here. So after hours of packing and mentally preparing myself to come here, I am now back in Baguio and loving it! I have officially come full circle. I was born in an open area in Baguio City, and I'll die here in the mountains in an open area. It's going to be challenging, but both me and my companion are up for it! Oh yeah, and my new comp Sister Steedman is from New Zealand, she plays rugby and TENNIS so we're going to find some courts up here too. But the first day that I got here, I was the only one that knew that we would be opening an area in Quezon Hill, the poor elders had no idea that we were taking over their area, but they showed us around our first day and it was a lot of fun getting to meet the members. I'm a little intimidated because the members here love the elders soooo much, but I think they're excited to have sisters again too because it's been like 13 years. Apparently the sisters in the past couldn't handle all the hills and stairs...so still wondering why President chose me to be here haha but I know he's inspired and at least now I can tone my legs before going home, always a plus right? But the past week, we have been going back and forth between our area in Quezon Hill and Sister Steedman's old area in Guisad because we switched with the elders, so both of us are in an open area and neither of us know where anything is, but it's been an adventure for sure, and I'm so excited to be here in the mountains again now. It's great to come back and realize how much I have grown and changed, and most of all I love seeing people from my first area. In my ward now is my first Bishop from my first area, and another family from Burnham 1! The first night that I got here, I saw Bishop Canite and he told me the best news, one of me and Sister Aroa's investigators just got baptized! I don't know if ya'll remember the Arellano family, but Brother Jon-Jon got baptized last weekend, and he and his family came to the Christmas party on Friday to see me! There's really no greater feeling than to see those that I helped share the gospel with accept it and just glow with the spirit. This gospel is true and I love my mission so much, I really never want to leave!
Shout outs to Lexie for the letter! And Happy Birthday Ryan and Shanoah!
Mahal Kita,
Sister Bangerter
Packing for days with the departing sisters too, I miss you so much Spjut and Rea!! |
Ordona family, their relatives in Agoo are my recent converts, small world! |
We are literally in the clouds |
The cutest little boy I've ever seen, he looks like he could be my child ha |
The Arellano family!! Brother Jon Jon got baptized and I can't wait for them to continue to enjoy the blessings of the gospel! |
The new Quezon Hill sisters and the new Guisad elders |
My comp Sister Steedman, people thing we're twins haha |
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