Sorry I think I will always say that, but now ya'll can learn some Tagalog! When I know more ilakano, I'll switch it up a bit ;)!
This was a great week here in Agoo! We had interviews with President Balledos this week, and I may have extended...don't worry it's only a week, and it's because the temple here will be closed the first two weeks of March, which is right when I go home (not that I'm trunky ha) so I really want to be able to go to the Manila temple before I leave, so I may come home a week later, but I'll know more when it gets closer.
Also this week, we have really been focusing on the Abuan family, they're so great, I always love going to their house. We have to be careful because our lessons can sometimes turn into two hour long discussions ha, but it's always a good thing because they're progressing, and now have a baptismal date of September 20th! I probably won't be here by that time, but I know that they can make it to this date and that their lives will be eternally blessed once they're baptized. Brother has some word of wisdom problems with smoking, but they're really trying to get healthy now, so it was just perfect timing that we taught them the word of wisdom, and they really want to live it. Actually everything with them has just been perfect timing, I know the Lord really does just place people in our path who are prepared. Actually, we met them by accident when we were looking for a less active, and knocked on the wrong house. They let us right in, and although the first visit they said they don't want to turn their back on their church, now they have come to church, read the Book of Mormon, and want to be baptized! The gospel changes people.
Another great thing that happened this week, our investigator Nanay Huling finally had a break through! I think I've told ya'll about her before, but she's this sweet little old 69 year old woman who has a fracture in her knee where she can't bend it and has to sit with her legs straight out at all times. She can't come to church, and her eyes are too bad to read, but we have people reading to her and she prays constantly about what we teach her. It has been so hard for her to understand the priesthood authority and the ordinance of baptism. I think we've been teaching her those two lessons for about a month now. Just when I was losing hope, we taught her baptism again, and the next time we visited, she said that she wants to be baptized! The only concern, she didn't think it would be possible, but there's always a way to accept the gospel if you have the desire. We have talked with the Branch and our mission president, and she will be given the sacrament at her home after her baptism and all she needs to do now is continue to have that sincere desire and commit to living the gospel and the commandments. I am so excited for Nanay Huling, we'll be giving her a baptismal date this week!
Things have been so great this week, and I know it's because of my prayers. I was feeling like my prayers were getting pretty repetitious and routine, so I evaluated myself and tried to be more specific and sincere. I literally witnessed the blessings and felt the spirit so much more this week, I was happier and I know that the Lord is leading me in His work. Think before you pray, and realize that we're communicating with our Father in Heaven. We should talk to Him like a friend because He sincerely cares about us and is waiting for us to act in order to give us the help we need.
Well I love you all dearly and have really been praying hard for all of you, especially Uncle Vyrl, you're always in prayers and I know the Lord will bless and watch over your family. Thanks for the letter Amanda and the post card Shanoah, I love ya'll!
Mahal Kita,
Sister Bangerter
Wacky Pic! |
Riding in a tryke |
The day we had warrior games with the coconut ha and a water balloon fight afterwards, the elders were brutal. |
One of our LA's just got a monkey! |
Rainy Season! |
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