Kumusta everyone!
I don't have much time, but this past week was so crazy and I got barely any sleep!
1. The departing missionaries of November left, so I got to say goodbye to my Nanay Sister Lazan, it was sad to see her leave, but I'm glad that she got to stay at my apartment and I could say goodbye to her right before she left the mission.
2. The new missionaries came this week and we got to greet them, and it was really weird to send missionaries home and then see all these greenies haha. But I was most excited to see Sister Tapusoa again! She came back with the new missionaries, and she's in my zone so I get to go on exchanges with her, so I'm really excited for this transfer!
3. So we had transfers again, and sadly, Sister Rea got transferred far far away on Judea's plains to Candon. I miss her, but I'm excited to be with my new companion Sister Lunar! She's my batch mate, Filipina and from Quezon City. She's so sweet, and I know that we are going to have a really great transfer together!
4.We have a few investigators with baptismal dates at the moment that we're working really hard on helping them come to church. That's their only kulang (what's missing) at the moment for them. I was feeling really stressed out about finding new investigators this week because things have been crazy in our area with all the people staying with us, but we were blessed as we went to visit a recent convert, and her neighbor was at her house and she was interested in listening to us. She told us how she was in jail for over 3 years waiting for a hearing, and then a member of the church came to visit and she asked him to pray for her, so he did, and then 3 days later she got her hearing and was released! Since then, she's wanted to come to church, and when she saw the church in Lingsat, she went up to the door but was too afraid to go inside becasue she didn't know anyone, but now she's friends with the recent convert and wants to attend church and accepted a baptismal invitation! I'm excited to see how things progress with her, so please pray for Sister Mary!
That's all I can think of, sorry this is so short, but enjoy all these pictures :) and thanks Sister Behrmann and Grandma for the letters and Mom for the package, love ya'll!!
Mahal Kita,
Sister Bangerter
Sister Lazan before she left |
Our LA Sister Rosalina |
Our RC Sister Chita (she's blind and the sweetest woman ever, I love her!) |
Acting like a new missionary |
Sister Adora's family |
My last day with Sister Rea |
My last day with Sister Rea |
Reunited with Sister Tapusoa and Sister Sawada |
My new comp Sister Lunar |
The best district ever! :) |
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