Here's a run down of my week:
1. I had FHE at my first Bishop's house again! It was so weird to go back there and just to realize how much has changed on my mission. The last time I was there, I couldn't speak Tagalog haha, and they also kept mentioning how I had lost weight lol #success
2. I had my last New Years on the mission, and I got to see all the fireworks from our apartment. My companion and I went outside to count down to 2015, and it was so cool to see all the fireworks go off around us. There are little to no restrictions on fireworks here, so the whole city was going crazy! It was so loud outside from about 10:30-1 AM. But I can't think of any better way to start off the new year than here in my new area and back in the hills of Baguio.
3. WE had MLC this week, and President is really focusing on helping us improve our teaching skills. Can I just say that I have the best mission President. He is so inspired, and loves us so much. He treats us like his own children and he is really such a great leader, I always learn so much from him at MLC. His training was on how to help us become "Super Training Leaders/Zone Leaders," so we will all get a Superman shirt next MLC ha. I really want my last transfer here in the mission to be the best one. I'm starting to realize how much I have changed and grown, and I know that there's still so much for me to improve on, and I hope that I can be the best teacher that I can be right up until I leave.
4. Since we are an open area, there are some days when we just get punted and lost, Friday was that day for us. We spent about 7 hours walking from end to end and staircase to staircase of our area with no lessons. But instead of getting discouraged, we chose to be happy and at the end of the day, we had some really powerful lessons, and still felt successful. When we are helping others come unto Christ, and really loving them, that's how we know that we have been successful. I love my mission so much, I'm sorry that my emails are so lame, I just don't really know how to put everything into words at this point. I will just have to tell y'all in person when I'm back. But know that I am working my hardest and loving every day!
Shout outs to Dad for the Christmas package, better late than never! And to Sister Alvarez for the letter!
Mahal Kita,
Sister Bangerter
FHE Canite Family |
New Years Eve |
MLC (13 of my batch mates are in leadership positions right now) |
MTC comp Sister Sawada |
Working with the members |
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